Paris with Love…
I have a dear friend (yes you know who you are Xx), who is traveling to Paris later in the month for a few days of exploring on her own, so I thought I would create a little treasure hunt of sorts for her.

Sacred Arts Workshop- 6 mOOns in
This year I've disappeared down the wonderful rabbit hole of Sacred Arts- 13 mOOns. We are nearly at the mid point, the perfect place to stop and pause.
So far we have explored: Space Holding, Pacha Mama, Archetypes & Symbols, Bone Wisdom, Lunar Wisdom, Cycles

Sacred Arts- Mixed Media Dialogues with the Divine Feminine
Sacred Arts- Mixed Media Dialogues with the Divine Feminine 13 mOOns- a year of In*Spiration
Each time I show up to the blank page or canvas it is to listen. Sometimes I come with an enquiry, sometimes I come just to see what wants to be heard, either way a dialogue unfolds and it is through this dialogue that I create art, that I commune with spirit, that I meet myself.

Sketching beyond the "Challenge"
To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. Kurt Vonnegut
During my 30 day Sketchbook Challenge I joked about taking my sketchbook into the wild. … The practice of the "challenge" offers a framework of discipline which is not a natural state for me. My creative practice usually looks more free form, following the whims of the muses, working in a variety of mediums, on a variety of projects at anyone time, and allowing myself to be pulled down the rabbit hole …

The Flower is...the eternal seductiveness of life.
The flower is the poetry of reproduction.
It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life.
— Giraudoux
Producing this class has been a love affair- a love affair with each of the artists as I fell more and more in love with their work, a love affair with my garden in all it's winter glory, and a love affair with creating, with painting, with sketching, with pastels, with watercolours, with drawing- with the act of making art.

There is healing in the light (and the winner is...)
Creativity is the type of learning process where the teacher and the pupil are located in the same individual. Koestler