Paris with Love…
I have a dear friend (yes you know who you are Xx), who is traveling to Paris later in the month for a few days of exploring on her own, so I thought I would create a little treasure hunt of sorts for her.

Sacred Arts Workshop- 6 mOOns in
This year I've disappeared down the wonderful rabbit hole of Sacred Arts- 13 mOOns. We are nearly at the mid point, the perfect place to stop and pause.
So far we have explored: Space Holding, Pacha Mama, Archetypes & Symbols, Bone Wisdom, Lunar Wisdom, Cycles

Sacred Arts- Mixed Media Dialogues with the Divine Feminine
Sacred Arts- Mixed Media Dialogues with the Divine Feminine 13 mOOns- a year of In*Spiration
Each time I show up to the blank page or canvas it is to listen. Sometimes I come with an enquiry, sometimes I come just to see what wants to be heard, either way a dialogue unfolds and it is through this dialogue that I create art, that I commune with spirit, that I meet myself.

Sketching beyond the "Challenge"
To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. Kurt Vonnegut
During my 30 day Sketchbook Challenge I joked about taking my sketchbook into the wild. … The practice of the "challenge" offers a framework of discipline which is not a natural state for me. My creative practice usually looks more free form, following the whims of the muses, working in a variety of mediums, on a variety of projects at anyone time, and allowing myself to be pulled down the rabbit hole …

The Flower is...the eternal seductiveness of life.
The flower is the poetry of reproduction.
It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life.
— Giraudoux
Producing this class has been a love affair- a love affair with each of the artists as I fell more and more in love with their work, a love affair with my garden in all it's winter glory, and a love affair with creating, with painting, with sketching, with pastels, with watercolours, with drawing- with the act of making art.

8 Guides for Exquiste Self Care
Recently I was asked to create a self-care plan. I kind of stumbled over the plan, imagining a schedule or timetable just didn't work for me. So I decided to base my plan on a set of principles or guides, to keep it adaptive and centered around the point- my needs, as they exist in any one moment, fluid and cyclic. What I need depends upon my energy to start with, the time of month and season, what is going on in my life and so on. I decided it would be more useful to have a way of connecting with these things, staying in dialogue with myself and what is needed and adapting as I go…

Final Reflections on the Sketchbook Challenge- last 10 days
I've come to the end of this challenge and while I've loved the practice, I'm also really looking forward to liberating this sketchbook from the table with the camera and setting it free into the wild as a sketchbook should be. I'm also looking forward to some art journaling and am wondering how to incorporate both practices into my limited time. I'm also curious to see how some of things I've played with in my sketchbook will emerge on the journal page…

Reflections on the Sketchbook Challenge- Days 11- 20
I'm 20 days into this challenge, and the craziest thing- I'm already contemplating my next challenge (more on that later)- I think I might need an intervention. What do you think? Meanwhile the yoga mat is somewhat neglected ;)

Reflections on the Sketchbook Challenge- first 10 days
When I start these challenges I wonder about my sanity- committing to add something else to my already overflowing plate. Yet there is this way that the challenges push me to do a daily practice which I can not maintain daily except for these short stints. And with daily practice come growth, just a little, bit by bit growth, but it adds up; I don't see it daily but at the end of the 30 days there's a small body of work that stretched the muscles, found new ways and explored the edges.

Sketchbook Challenge- Day 1
I’ve begun another challenge- this time a Sketchbook Challenge.
Seems I like to start a new challenge when I’m life is getting busy, as if I won’t have time to show up to the blank page or canvas swept along by life. The challenge brings me to the page for practice, practice for practice’s sake, and experimentation, unencumbered by making a “piece”. ..