Arm Chair Traveling {Just One Paragraph 7/30}
Today the house was too small to contain me; small and crowded with laundry and dirty dishes, small with having been pent up in it for too long with a sick household, small with the winter chill keeping the doors and windows mostly shut. My body wanted me to stay put and rest, my soul desperately wanting out into the world, out of this house, even if just for a walk in the winter sun or better still, a trek up the mountains. Not much to ask right? Sadly, my body insisted on having its own way with violent fits of coughing every time I moved, the world will have to wait. Luckily some of the world came to me yesterday photos from my recent trip arrived in the mail and today I got to spend some time revisiting adventures and friends as I cut up and glued them into my travel journal. Instantly I was swept back onto Monica's balcony with the sun setting golden over the fields streaming through the gum trees, or I was strolling the luscious garden's at Easlen observing the Californian poppies with their little beanies, or I was contemplating the cloud trees (Cypress trees) and marine lair (layer) of the Californian Coast. So many adventures jammed into one month and a journal who generously returns me there any time I lay my hands on her. Arm chair traveling: suddenly the house wasn't so small and I am given space to dream up the next adventure.