So glad to see you here
Settle in, take a look around, explore the world through my eyes, my hands, my heart & my soul.
May beauty fill your soul

Hi there!
Hi, my name is Galia Alena, welcome to my little virtual nest.
I am a visual poet, earth mystic and mist walker. I walk in beauty dreaming with the divine to create sacred art and to partner with intuitive healing practices.
So glad you are here

“Where I create, there I am True.” Rilke

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Featured Workshops
Workshops are hosted on Art is Magic. Online
Travel vignettes
A journey to a new place or a journey across the journal page will both take you on a pilgrimage to the center of your own heart, to an understanding of your own truths, journeying simultaneously through the outer world and deep within the inner world….
Sacred Arts
Sacred Arts is a series of art journal workshops which includes the signature workshop, 13 mOOns, along with The Holy Trinity, Arcana Mysteries & Ancestral Threads.